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የተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት የፀጥታው ም/ቤት ስብሰባ ተቀምጦ ነበር። በዚህም ም/ቤቱ በዩክሬን ጉዳይ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ [የ193 አባል ሀገራት] አስቸኳይ ልዩ ስብሰባ እንዲጠራ በድምፅ ወስኗል።

#BREAKING የተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት የፀጥታው ም/ቤት ስብሰባ ተቀምጦ ነበር። በዚህም ም/ቤቱ በዩክሬን ጉዳይ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ [የ193 አባል ሀገራት] አስቸኳይ ልዩ ስብሰባ እንዲጠራ በድምፅ ወስኗል። ስብሰባው ዛሬ ሰኞ ይካሄዳል። ሩስያ ስትቃወም [ድምፅን በድምፅ የመሻር /veto power/ መብቷ እዚህ ላይ ተግባራዊ አይሆንም] ፤ ቻይና ፣ ህንድ እና የተባበሩት አረብ ኤሜሬትስ ድምፀ ተአቅቦ አድርገዋል። በተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት ይህን አይነት ውሳኔ ሲወስን በ40 ዓመታት ውስጥ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ሲሆን፤ በአጠቃላይ በድርጅቱ ታሪክ ደግሞ 11ኛው መሆኑ ተነግሯል። #የደገፉ_ሀገራት ፦ 🇺🇸 አሜሪካ 🇬🇧 ዩናይትድ ኪንግደም 🇫🇷 ፈረንሳይ 🇳🇴 ኖርዌይ 🇮🇪 አይርላድ 🇦🇱 አልባኒያ 🇬🇦 ጋቦን 🇲🇽 ሜክስኮ 🇧🇷 ብራዚል 🇬🇭 ጋና 🇰🇪 ኬንያ #የተቃወሙ ፦ 🇷🇺 ሩስያ #ድምፀ_ተአቅቦ_ያደረጉ ፦ 🇨🇳 ቻይና 🇮🇳 ሕንድ 🇦🇪 ዩናይትድ አረብ ኤምሬትስ (UAE)

#The House of Federation has made the final decision on the upcoming elections in the Tigray region 🇪🇹🇪🇹H.W by @Hilinasolom


The House of Federation has made the final decision on the upcoming elections in the Tigray region
The proclamation issued by the Tigray National Regional State Council, Executive Bodies and the Electoral Commission on the election, its decisions and actions are unconstitutional and are not considered in accordance with Article 9 (1) of the Constitution. The House of Federation unanimously decided that they are unstable and unenforceable.

The House of Federation has today deliberated on the ongoing election activities in Tigray State in a resolution submitted to it by the Standing Committee on Constitutional Interpretation and Identity Affairs.

The Standing Committee reviewed the recommendations of the Legal Affairs Inquiry Council and made its own recommendations.
Following the outbreak of the CVD-19 epidemic in the sixth national election in Ethiopia, the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) stated that it could not hold the election due to various reasons.

It is not to be forgotten that the House of Federation, in accordance with the Constitutional Inquiry Council, failed to hold elections on time in accordance with the Covid-19 and made recommendations based on the interpretation of the Constitution regarding the term of office of the Houses and the executive.
On this basis, the House of Federation approved the proposed interpretation of the Constitution in relation to the content, interpretation, principles, methods and objectives of the Constitutional Interpretation and Identity Affairs Standing Committee.
Accordingly, as long as the spread of crona  remains  threat in the country, all federal and regional councils should continue their work and the Ministry of Health, the Institute of Public Health and the scientific community should ensure that the epidemic is not a public concern. Approved the proposal that the national election be held for 9 months to 1 year if approved.

The House of Federation is expected to implement all the decisions made by the House of Federation today.

There have been complaints from various quarters that the region is continuing its election campaign and is committing human rights abuses in the process.

The Tigray Democratic Party (TDP), the Raya Rayuma Democratic Party, and the Wolkait Tegede Identification Committee filed complaints.

TDP has stated that it has withdrawn from the election due to the unconstitutional nature of the election campaign and has submitted a constitutional interpretation to the process.
Regarding the applicant's interpretation of the Constitution and the powers of the Assembly, the Government shall grant him the right under Article 84 Sub-Article 2 of the applicant's interpretation of the Constitution.

It  also mentioned that the question of the meaning of the constitution can be seen as it is different in type and presentation.

The constitution clearly states the powers vested in the states and the federal government, and states that elections relate to powers vested in the federal government.

Since there is no power vested in the states in the elections, they must respect each other's authority and act accordingly.

However, in the event of a dispute between the state and the federal government, the final decision of the House of Federation will be submitted to the Constitutional Inquiry Council.

The power to conduct elections is vested in the Federal Government under Articles 51 and 55 of the Constitution.

The resolution states that the Tigray Regional State Council has issued its own election proclamation in violation of all these constitutional principles.

 this clearly contradicts Article 102 of the Constitution, which gives the National Electoral Board the powers and functions. The resolution also states that states do not have the power to establish an electoral commission.

It is stated that the decision and activities of the Tigray Regional State are unacceptable in accordance with the mentioned constitutional provisions.

The Council of Constitutional Inquiry has made fundamental decisions on the interpretation of the rule of law.

Accordingly, Article 84 of the Constitution provides for the final decision of the House of Federation, which is approved by the House Standing Committee on Constitution and Identity.

It also submitted a closed-door discussion to the House of Representatives for approval.

After the meeting, the House of Federation said in a statement that it still believes that the council has great respect for the people of Tigray and that it should not be harmed by illegal acts and that efforts should be intensified to resolve problems peacefully and legally.

On the other hand, the Tigray Democratic Party, Raya Rayuma Democratic Party and Wolkait Tegede Identification Committee have lodged complaints with the House stating that human rights violations against citizens in connection with the Tigray Regional State's illegal elections and unconstitutional political parties are unacceptable and should be corrected.

The Tigray National Regional State Council rejected the decision of the House of Federation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on June 3, 2012 and the Speaker of the House in a letter to respect the Constitution and the decision of the House of Federation. He said.

The House of Peoples' Representatives has unanimously approved Articles 55 (15) and Article 55 (2) (d) of the Constitution.

It  also said that the establishment of the Electoral Commission in accordance with the Tigray National Regional State Electoral Proclamation No. 351/2012 violates the powers vested in it by Article 102 of the Constitution.

The Tigray National Regional State Council, the Executive Bodies and the Electoral Commission, have stated that the decisions and actions of the Electoral Proclamation No. 351/2012 regarding the elections are unconstitutional, unconstitutional and unenforceable as they are unconstitutional. The House unanimously announced the final decision.

Via FBC 
